Breast Augmentation Works for a Variety of Reasons

The following may come across as harsh. However, in many instances it is true. Women with larger, perkier, more aesthetically pleasing breasts get preferential treatment. If a man is conducting a job interview, a women's credentials should and do come first in the vast majority of instances. However, there are times that looks play a role, and they certainly count when breaking a tie among candidates. Breast augmentation is probably not something women should consider for the sole reason of getting ahead in the workplace. However, if it is a procedure she is considering for other reasons, it is unlikely to hurt in her professional life.
For most women, getting picked up at a bar is not the most important thing in life. That being said, everybody loves attention. Regardless of clothing, but particularly if a women is somewhat forward, large chests attract attention. It is very possible that this is not the type of attention you are seeking. However, a man, who may or may not be worth knowing, is likely to introduce himself to and pursue women he finds attractive first and foremost.
Breast augmentation works for many different women. For a young women looking to get ahead, trying to find a mate, wanting to stand out at the beach, or just living life to the fullest in her prime, it can add to her experiences. For a mother who has just given birth, it is a procedure than can make her chest stand out again. For the women considering children, it is a way to have kids and know you won't have to give up a certain look. It may sound silly, but as a mid-life crisis, men buy cars, women enhance their looks. There is nothing wrong with that. It can also be valuable for a woman who has recently gotten out of a relationship and wants to quickly get back on her feet both socially and mentally.
Deciding to have a breast augmentation can be a difficult decision. However it does not have to be one. While at one time there was a stigma to women that had surgically enhanced breasts, it is so commonplace today, and the procedure is so good, more often that not nobody can tell. Those who do recognize a change are more accepting than ever before.
In no way would I suggest you decide on a breast augmentation in the same way you decide to buy a new pair of sneakers or what to eat for lunch. However, if it is going to make you feel better about yourself, the finances are not too big of a deal, and you understand the attention, both good and bad, that they may attract, what's the problem? Making a choice that makes you happy should not have any negative consequence, at least none that you aren't aware of before making the decision.
If you're considering a breast augmentation, know that you'll get a lot of attention. For more information on the procedure, visit here:

Strength Training - Why Do It and How to Start

It is generally well known that we lose bone mass as we age, a phenomena that affects women more than men and that far too often results in bones that are weak and prone to break, especially in the hips, wrists and shoulders. Unfortunately, although in many cases surgical procedures now produce excellent results (we have a number of clients that have returned to running after hip replacements), too many people don´t fully recover from the stress of the operation and never regain the quality of life that they previously enjoyed. In the worst cases, this leads to a sometimes rapid decline in general health and an untimely death.

It is widely accepted that weight-bearing exercise helps to slow bone loss and may even in some cases be able to reverse it, which is why "cardio" exercise such as walking and running (in moderation) can be very beneficial. However, when it comes to targeting the bones of the shoulders and arms, strength training is essential. Such exercises can also enhance the benefits of the weight-bearing cardio activity on other joints, probably because the effect of the tendons pulling on the bones stimulates bone repair or growth.

Equipment such as free weights, machines, resistance bands and medicine balls can all play a part in making strength training fun (or at least more fun!). However, you don´t have to invest in equipment or join a gym to do strength training. Body weight can also provide an effective training medium. If dedicating time to strength training really doesn´t appeal, adding a few press ups (or push ups for our American readers!) to your daily routine is a great place to start. When that becomes a habit, you can look at adding more exercises and developing your programme.

How do you start doing press ups when you can´t even do one?! Simple, do five! In my experience, it is best to avoid doing press ups on your knees, as very few people ever progress from there to the full exercise and therefore never reap all of the benefits of this "whole body" exercise. Instead, try this:
Adopt the standard press up position - Lie with the body raised off the floor, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms extended and body straight.

  • Keeping the body straight, bend the elbows and lower the shoulders and hips towards the floor - only go as low as you can to be sure that you are going to be able to do five repetitions. If that means that you only flex the elbows one inch, great! Do five "1-inch press-ups" every time you get the chance.

  • With this approach, you will find that you quickly progress to making the final press up two inches, then three, then four and so on until you can do five full press ups. After that, keep adding repetitions until you can do twenty. You will be surprised how quickly you will progress with just a little bit of effort.
A few words on correct form:
  • Before starting the exercises, "activate the core" by lifting the chest, drawing in the stomach slightly and tightening the muscles of the butt (the "glutes").
  • When the arms are in the fully extended position, the shoulder blades should be "open". As you lower the body towards the ground, you should feel the shoulder blades move together.
  • Hold the head level. Fix the gaze slightly forward and actively engage the neck muscles to keep the head from dropping.
  • Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up.
Mel Richards runs RFH Fitness, who provide uniquely flexible fitness, weight-loss and activity holidays in AndalucĂ­a, Spain.

Visit the website at or drop Mel a line at

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How to Reduce the Sugar in Your Diet

The vast majority of us get too much sugar in our diet and suffer many health issues as a result. While sugar is of course necessary to provide us with glucose and so ATP that we can turn into usable energy, in vast quantities it can be highly damaging and has a number of serious effects on the body. Not only does sugar damage our teeth for instance, but it can also cause energy lows, damage our nerves and organs, lead to obesity and cause diabetes
This is all for people who are healthy and normal. Of course for those who have diabetes, or who have issues like malabsorption the consequences can be even more serious. Here we will look at a number of ways you can reduce your sugar intake no matter how healthy you are and increase your health considerably.
Think About It
Most of us eat sugar so readily that we don't give it any thought. It's a fact of life and as such we are unlikely to really consider the realities. Make sure then that next time you consume sugar, you think about the negative impacts it can have on your body. When you get tooth ache from eating chocolate for instance, did you know that this is because the sugar is coming into contact with your exposed nerve? Now imagine what that does to your insides.
Another thing that can help is to focus on how sickly and bloated you often feel after eating a lot of pudding. Next time you're offered cake, just think about how ill you felt last time you ate too much. With that in mind, it may just be easier to say no.
Increase Your Energy
One of the reasons we often say yes to pudding when we know we shouldn't is that we're low on energy and looking for 'comfort food'. To avoid this you need to manage your mood and your energy so that you don't need these pickmeups. To that end, make sure you are getting lots of quality sleep and address any sources of stress in your life. At the same time you should also make sure you are getting your 'complex carbs'. These are foods like bread, potatoes and pasta. They're sugar yes, but the body takes longer to get the sugar from them which means we have a much more gradual release of energy through the day so that we don't find ourselves craving the shot of sugar that is a chocolate bar.
Eliminate the Superfluous Sugar
You might struggle to stop eating chocolate puddings, but there are probably lots of other kinds of sugar that you're less mad about that would be easier to cut out. For instance if you have sugar in your tea then getting rid of this is a fantastic way to reduce your overall intake and it will also help to get rid of your sweet tooth. Meanwhile if you can stop drinking soda drinks and drink water instead you'll save yourself huge amounts of unnecessary sugar.
Felix Paul works at Breath Test, for more information about their products and services click here.

Artichoke and Its Health Benefits

Artichoke has a diameter of about 6-10 cm and is about 150g heavier. The hairy, unripe florets within the middle of the bud comprise its "choke" and when these are older and have bigger flowers they became poisonous to eat. Edible part of the buds comprises mainly of the younger lower parts of the involucre bracts and the base, called the "heart". There are many types of artichoke and are classified according to size, spine and color.

Artichoke Health Benefits

1. High in antioxidants

Artichokes contain very high antioxidants than all other vegetable. A number of the great antioxidants in artichokes include quercertin, rutin, anthocyanins, silymarin, cynarin, and luteolin. Antioxidants protect the body from damaging free-radical agents.

2. Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Artichokes stimulate apoptosis, cell death and decrease cell production in various different types of cancer, such as prostate cancer, breast cancer and leukemia. Moreover, artichokes contain flavonoid which decreases the possibility of breast cancer.

3. Lower Cholesterol

Artichoke has compounds like cynarin and sesquiterpene-lactones that reduce cholesterol production and increase its emission in the bile, thus, reducing the overall amount of cholesterol in the blood. The fleshy tissue of artichoke leaves has a polyphenol antioxidant known as cynarin that increases bile flow.

4. Enhanced liver function

Artichokes contain cynarin and one more antioxidant, silymarin that are very helpful to the liver. They can even rejuvenate liver tissue. Artichokes are used as alternative medicine for the treatment for liver diseases. Its natural qualities help the body removes toxins and help the liver in its essential operations.

5. Improved Digestion

Artichokes assist the digestive track. They are a native diuretic; they support digestion and enhance gallbladder function. Moreover, artichokes are rich in fiber and hence, help improve digestion while avoiding constipation.

6. Hypertension treatment

Artichokes contain high amount of potassium, a mineral which is normally good for you. Potassium helps prevent excess sodium in the body. Potassium is a vital constituent of cell as well as body fluids which assist in managing heart rate plus blood pressure by counteracting effects of sodium. It's advisable for people taking some types of anti-hypertensive drugs to eat foods such as artichokes to avoid being potassium deficient.

7. Blood Glucose Levels

Artichoke can assist stabilize blood glucose levels and hence help prevents diabetes. Hence, it's recommendable for people with diabetes to eat foods on this side of the glycemic index.

8. Source of vitamins

Artichokes are good sources of vitamins, such as folic acid, vitamin C, Vitamin K and vitamin B complex. Folic acid serves as a major component for enzymes entailed in the production of DNA. Moreover, good levels of folic acid in the body before conception and during early pregnancy prevent development of neural tube defects in infants. Vitamin C assists the body gains resistance against contagious agents. Vitamin K boosts development of healthy bone and prevents neuronal harm in the brain; hence, it's advisable for people with Alzheimer's disease to eat artichokes. Vitamins b complex are vital for optimal cellular metabolic functions.
Rastislav Skultety actively promotes the consumption of fruit, vegetables and other natural food items. He is an author of fruit and vegetables atlas ( ) which informs people about the health benefits of common and also less known exotic organic food. In his free time, he cooks and, of course, his recipes are mostly salads.
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What Is The Best Time To Exercise?

One of the big problems for many people that commit to starting an exercise program in their estimation is trying to find the time to get to the gym in the first place.

 I find that if most of us wait until the evening to go workout after a long day on the job along with its mental demands placed on us, generally we can come up with 100 reasons why we cannot make that nights workout.

It's easier to get to the gym in the evening when you are younger just because you do not mind the crowds as much and, that you have more energy and stamina to make it in. The older you get, along with more responsibility with family, job related activities, and other types of stress that can come our way during the day make evening workouts more difficult to attend on a consistent basis for many of us.

There are however multiple reasons why you should strongly consider scheduling your exercise program in the mornings. First consider that you have had a good nights sleep and are more alert and mentally fresh in the morning. Getting your exercise program completed first thing in the morning gives you a feeling of accomplishment and, having the idea of having to stop by the gym after work to get that workout in off your mind.

Another reason many people find early morning workouts valuable is due to the weight loss benefits that come with exercising first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Your body burns more fat for energy if you have not consumed a large meal with carbohydrates before going to the gym. 

Your body use carbohydrates for energy and it will tap that energy source before using fat sources. A good idea is to make sure you hydrate yourself well with water and consume a protein drink before going to the gym. 

This way, your body has just enough fuel to be sure that it does not tap into the amino acid resources in your muscles for energy and uses fats instead.

Its is easier to be more consistent with early morning exercise programs. You maintain a more disciplined approach if you make it a habit to get the necessary sleep each night and schedule your workouts in the morning. Your body will operate much better once it is on a consistent sleep and exercise program.

If you are finding it difficult to get to the gym on a consistent basis due to the demands placed on you during the day, try changing your exercise schedule around to where you are getting it completed first thing in the morning. It will help set the tone for the rest of your day and, more than likely increase your energy and productivity levels.

Richard is the owner of Total Joint Fitness LLC located in Punta Gorda, Florida. Richard is also a physical therapist assistant and online personal trainer for older adult fitness and orthopedic rehabilitation. 
For more information regarding fitness prior to or, after surgery or, if you want to get healthier and work on prevention to maintain a healthier lifestyle, contact Richard at
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