Artichoke and Its Health Benefits

Artichoke has a diameter of about 6-10 cm and is about 150g heavier. The hairy, unripe florets within the middle of the bud comprise its "choke" and when these are older and have bigger flowers they became poisonous to eat. Edible part of the buds comprises mainly of the younger lower parts of the involucre bracts and the base, called the "heart". There are many types of artichoke and are classified according to size, spine and color.

Artichoke Health Benefits

1. High in antioxidants

Artichokes contain very high antioxidants than all other vegetable. A number of the great antioxidants in artichokes include quercertin, rutin, anthocyanins, silymarin, cynarin, and luteolin. Antioxidants protect the body from damaging free-radical agents.

2. Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Artichokes stimulate apoptosis, cell death and decrease cell production in various different types of cancer, such as prostate cancer, breast cancer and leukemia. Moreover, artichokes contain flavonoid which decreases the possibility of breast cancer.

3. Lower Cholesterol

Artichoke has compounds like cynarin and sesquiterpene-lactones that reduce cholesterol production and increase its emission in the bile, thus, reducing the overall amount of cholesterol in the blood. The fleshy tissue of artichoke leaves has a polyphenol antioxidant known as cynarin that increases bile flow.

4. Enhanced liver function

Artichokes contain cynarin and one more antioxidant, silymarin that are very helpful to the liver. They can even rejuvenate liver tissue. Artichokes are used as alternative medicine for the treatment for liver diseases. Its natural qualities help the body removes toxins and help the liver in its essential operations.

5. Improved Digestion

Artichokes assist the digestive track. They are a native diuretic; they support digestion and enhance gallbladder function. Moreover, artichokes are rich in fiber and hence, help improve digestion while avoiding constipation.

6. Hypertension treatment

Artichokes contain high amount of potassium, a mineral which is normally good for you. Potassium helps prevent excess sodium in the body. Potassium is a vital constituent of cell as well as body fluids which assist in managing heart rate plus blood pressure by counteracting effects of sodium. It's advisable for people taking some types of anti-hypertensive drugs to eat foods such as artichokes to avoid being potassium deficient.

7. Blood Glucose Levels

Artichoke can assist stabilize blood glucose levels and hence help prevents diabetes. Hence, it's recommendable for people with diabetes to eat foods on this side of the glycemic index.

8. Source of vitamins

Artichokes are good sources of vitamins, such as folic acid, vitamin C, Vitamin K and vitamin B complex. Folic acid serves as a major component for enzymes entailed in the production of DNA. Moreover, good levels of folic acid in the body before conception and during early pregnancy prevent development of neural tube defects in infants. Vitamin C assists the body gains resistance against contagious agents. Vitamin K boosts development of healthy bone and prevents neuronal harm in the brain; hence, it's advisable for people with Alzheimer's disease to eat artichokes. Vitamins b complex are vital for optimal cellular metabolic functions.
Rastislav Skultety actively promotes the consumption of fruit, vegetables and other natural food items. He is an author of fruit and vegetables atlas ( ) which informs people about the health benefits of common and also less known exotic organic food. In his free time, he cooks and, of course, his recipes are mostly salads.
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