Sprints for Cardio?

Sprints are the most effective high-intensity cardio exercise you can use. It doesn't matter whether you're trying to lose weight, build lean muscle, or trying to become more athletic, sprints are the answer. This exercise has stood the test of time because of it's unparalleled results.

I know sprints may seem intimidating to someone who isn't physical fit or athletic. Don't worry about this! If you're trying to lose weight, then you need to consider using sprints. With a single 20-30 minute sprint routine, you will burn triple the amount of calories you would with a 60-minute aerobic regime.

I won't lie, sprints are challenging and will even push the most seasoned athlete to their limits. But that's what it takes. You have to be willing to push yourself to levels you never thought were possible. The hardest part is getting started.

Once you conquer your fear, then there will be no looking back. So what's the point of this article? Aren't sprints simple? Not exactly, and many people do not understand the necessary rules with sprints.

First, you should never sprint more than 60 yards. Any sprint lasting longer than 60 yards will deteriorate running form, and could potentially force the body into an aerobic state. This is not the purpose of sprints, and the exercise is completely designed to be explosive.

Secondly, try to perform sprints on a soft surface such as turf, grass, or your local track. This isn't completely necessary, but it's a good precaution to take because you will decrease your chances of joint damage.

Lastly, always, and I repeat always warm-up before sprints. This exercise is incredibly explosive, and requires that your joints, muscles, and ligaments are properly prepared. The most effective way to prepare your body for any strenuous or explosive activity is through dynamic stretching or stretching through movement. NEVER static stretching prior to this exercise!

These rules apply to any variation of the sprint. Some great variations of this exercise include hill sprints, interval sprints, and resistance sprints. Make sure you have mastered the traditional sprint before moving onto the more advanced versions.

Here is sample sprint routine for beginners: 4 sprints at 60 yards, 4 sprints at 40 yards, and 2 sprints at 20 yards. As your cardio advances, you can either increase the amount of sprints or simply move onto the more difficult variations.

Do must not avoid this wonderful exercise! Sprints are the most effective cardio exercise for burning fat, so make sure you don't neglect them!

Was this article helpful? For more cardio advice visit the Cardio Training Specialist.
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