The Pros and Cons of Calorie Counting

Calorie counting has been a hotly debated topic on the low carb forums. Personally I am against it. I will tell you why, but first please know that I believe the following:-

1. To lose weight you must create an Energy imbalance. ie Burn more calories than you consume.

2. There are many ways to do this.

3. Over indulging and bingeing can stall weight loss and most likely cause some weight gain.

I am no stranger to counting things. Back in 2004 I counted points at Weight Watchers for about 2 years straight. I weighed everything, made sure I had the right portions etc. I was also obsessed all day long about the remaining points and the extra food I could eat because of exercise.

Yes, I lost weight doing this, but I could not sustain that activity. It was obsessive, and it led to some compulsive bingeing.

Before I started the low carb way of life in July 2010, I made sure I was doing it the right way. The right way being, a sustainable eating plan that I can control my weight for the rest of my life.

You see, the number one mistake that successful 'losers' make is thinking that they are different now that they are thin. They think they can eat the way other thin people do.
The reality is different, and this is why the majority of people who reach goal, end up gaining the weight back.

When you have a metabolism imbalance (ie. overweight) you are like that for life! There is no cure, there is only a 'fix' for the symptoms, which is weight control.

We will never be like the naturally thin neighbour that eats a lot and never gains a pound!
This is why I approached the current way I have been eating with patience. I must do this slowly and steadily. I have to, have coping mechanisms when things go wrong in life, and for when I am eating out in the real world.

Weight Loss is only a by-product of a healthy way of life.
Let that sink in for a moment.
The goal is not weight loss. There is no goal, only a journey. A way of managing my metabolism disorder.

Successful maintenance is my goal. This takes a long time to learn.
Are you going to count calories forever? If not why not? Why are you doing it now?

Calorie counting does the following in my opinion:

1. Reduces everything down to a number
2. Makes you obsess about everything you put in your mouth
3. Allows you to eat any old crap as long as it's in your calorie allowance
4. Assumes that you overweight simply from overindulgence, and downplays the role of metabolic factors

What should you do if you don't calorie count?

These are my suggestions:

1. Eat whole foods that are not processed
2. Limit Dairy severely
3. Eat a low carbohydrate diet, and count the carbs
4. work on having a certain portion size at each of your meals (portion control)
5. Ditch the Frankenfood

What about Exercise?

I don't recommend controlling your weight through exercise. This is because I have heard many tales of people getting injured and being unable to exercise, only to have their weight balloon.
Exercise should be done for it's intended purpose - fitness, and muscle development
Phill Barnett is an author who writes remarkable articles on fitness body training and healthy weight loss.
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