From Belly Fat to Belly Muscle

Every man out there understands the universal target to a great body lies in the shape of his abs. A ripped core signals good health, a fit body and sex appeal. Too many times we make excuses as to why we fail to create a great looking stomach. Such tales as genetics, work, or the regular Sunday menu of football, wings and beer are used as major excuses. These excuses are nothing but bull. Let's have a look at six simple ways we can change those excuses into brags.

Try Sleeping More

This first tip will please most of you as it did me. One of the best things you can do for your body is spend more time in bed. Harvard researchers who studied more than 68,000 people found that those who slept less than 5 hours a night were 5.4 pounds heavier and more likely to become obese than those who slept more than 7 hours. The reason: Just a single night of inadequate sleep may increase activity in your brain's reward center, particularly regarding food. A University of Chicago study found that "short sleepers" took in an average of 220 more calories a day than those who logged adequate time in bed. Forget about watching TV until all hours of the night. Try getting 8 or more hours of sleep. If you don't you may risk an early death as Italian researchers have found in their studies on the benefits of sleep and the hazard of neglecting adequate sleep. This chance of an early death rises by as much as 12 percent.

Lift Weights More Often

At first you might find that running on the treadmill appears to burn more calories and you feel like you are melting that fat away. This will happen for a while, however, the more miles you log the more efficient at running you become and the fewer calories you actually burn. Also, running long distances can take a physical toll that can dampen you enthusiasm. You might say that all that pain and boredom causes many people to burn out and give up. This can all be changed if you put a proper mix of resistance training into your program. Just 3 days of intensive weight training a week can offer the metabolic boost you need to slash fat and finally fit into slimmer, more flattering clothes.

Lift Heavier Weights

Now that you have decided to integrate weight training into your weekly sessions, you might want to consider using heavier weights. Lifting heavier weights not only burns more calories during our workout, but they also increase your sleeping metabolism by about 8 percent, according to researchers at Washington University School of medicine in St Louis. That's true; you will burn more calories as you lie on your back and dream of a fitter body. That 8 percent might sound like much, but it can add up to about 5 pounds a year! Remember, though, it is still important that at each stage of development you push your limits. As you feel yourself becoming stronger and more comfortable during a workout, do not be afraid to go bigger.

Eat When You Want and Eat More Often

We've all heard that you need five or six meals a day for fat loss. The simple rationale is that digestion requires energy; so spreading your calories over many small meals throughout the day keeps your metabolism humming and your hunger under control. There is one slight problem however, and that is not how frequently you eat but rather what you eat that affects how many calories you burn at mealtime. Let's say you normally consume 2,200 calories per day. It doesn't matter how many meals you have eaten; your calorie burn from digestion remains the same. To find out how you can regulate your food consumption, take a week and write down when you feel most hungry. Then adjust your eating patterns accordingly. The key is to pack each meal with foods that provide the greatest metabolic impact.

Protein Is King

Every time you eat a meal that does not include protein, you are telling your body that you do not want to burn more calories. Let me explain: Protein helps control your blood sugar, keeps you fuller, reduces hunger and burns more calories during digestion. This allows you to stay lean and still enjoy your favorite foods. As an added bonus, the protein stops muscle breakdown and provides the raw materials for laying down new muscle. This is to say carbohydrates are not allowed or evil. But when you eat them alone, they set off a series of events, including a rise of insulin, that cause you to crave more food and store more fat. The simple trick is to include some protein during meals and snacking in order to help drop unwanted fat. Foods to consider are fish, chicken or lean beef for meals and when snacking include foods like nuts, cheese or yogurt.

Smart Snacks Make a Better You

While the number of meals you consume does not matter, the size of your snacks is critical. For the past 40 years the average snack size has increased from 360 to 580 calories, according to research from the University of North Carolina. When you consider that the average man snacks twice during a workday, you are looking at almost 500 additional calories every 24 hours. This just because we tend to snack bigger not better. Over the course of 7 days that can contribute to an extra pound of fat! A good way to measure the portion or your snacks is to see if it fits in one hand. Whether it is almonds, a piece of chicken cheese or fruit, if it does not fit in one hand chances are it is too much. If it is packaged, read the label. You want 200 to 300 calories in each serving, with 15 to 20 grams of protein and about the same amount of carbs. Snacking is crucial to your daily diet and should be monitored closely if you want to lose fat and gain muscle.

I am a firm believer in maintaining an active lifestyle. There are no magic bullets to good health. Eating the right foods, getting plenty of exercise and of course spending quality time with loved ones. I have been truly blessed with many people in my life. Understanding myself and building relationships is rewarding in so many ways
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Gordon Folka
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